6 asked me to kick this fellow and two others last night for repeated baserape
May 15 2010, 11:35 AM
IP: 77.164.*.227
GUID: 9481237c
Ice Colt
Sterling Silver
I've used a partial GUID and IP since it was for baserape.
May 15 2010, 02:59 PM
Why are we banning for baserape?
I dont mind a short ban, say a week or something, but i dont think a permanent ban for baserape is appropriate.
wasnt on server, was on 6 instructions, they may have been circumstances.....
ie repeated warning/abuse/emptying the server
May 15 2010, 06:02 PM
Yeah all these guys had repeated warnings and started getting cocky about it when they realised that the kick/ban system wasn't working and other people were getting annoyed because they were playing by the rules while this lot were being fags.
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