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Hello there,

thought I'd pop on here and introduce myself properly.

My name's Chris (although everyone calls me Chisel), I'm 25, I live in Kent and work in Web Design.

K pointed me to you guys and your servers and I've popped on TS a couple of times and you seem like a nice bunch, think I may have played the odd L4D game with a few of your before as well.

I mostly play the following games at the moment:

Eve Online
Bad Company 2
Guild Wars

Use to play a fair bit of TF2 but it's gotten a bit boring now.

I tend to switch around a few games and get called onto Eve at random times so I'm not really competitive team material, if you guys'll have me though I'd like to join ya smile.gif
OMG! <3 Chissssstastic

Ahem!......i mean well played old bean.

Welcome to the forums, most of us don't bite;well cept for monkey but I'm pretty sure we gave him his shots the other day biggrin.gif

our Recruitment Officer/Clan Leader Foxx will get back to you soon

also you might like to join the sneakymonkeys steam group wink.gif
welcome to the site biggrin.gif

Eve online eh? I used to play that many a year ago when I worked for virgin as it was one of the few games I could sucessfully play while working that wasn't blocked by the firewall.. been meaning to check out the new versions but suspect I'd be so far behind in the skills etc., I'd probably give up before I started again (that and I'm still bitter about the loss of my navy apocolypse and machariel)

Been asking others opinions of guild wars - as was offered a couple of free copies, but hadn't heard so much about it, or at least no glowingly positive reviews so far.

Also if you're a web designer, you're not allowed to look at the code behind the main site. It's formatted in such baffling non-sensical way that it would probably melt your eyes out of you head. Still, it seems to work at the moment, even if I'm not entirely sure how or why its working any more tongue.gif
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ May 9 2010, 07:45 PM) *
welcome to the site biggrin.gif

Eve online eh? I used to play that many a year ago when I worked for virgin as it was one of the few games I could sucessfully play while working that wasn't blocked by the firewall.. been meaning to check out the new versions but suspect I'd be so far behind in the skills etc., I'd probably give up before I started again (that and I'm still bitter about the loss of my navy apocolypse and machariel)

Been asking others opinions of guild wars - as was offered a couple of free copies, but hadn't heard so much about it, or at least no glowingly positive reviews so far.

Also if you're a web designer, you're not allowed to look at the code behind the main site. It's formatted in such baffling non-sensical way that it would probably melt your eyes out of you head. Still, it seems to work at the moment, even if I'm not entirely sure how or why its working any more tongue.gif


If you can fly and afford navy apocs and machariels you can't have been doing too badly, especially if it was a good while ago when they were more expensive.

Guild Wars is just a time killer for me, if there's nothing much happening on Eve or the servers and I have a little while to spare I'll pop on there and run a mission or fail at PvP, no sub so if you've got a free copy you may as well have a look around.

As for baffling non-sensical code I've worked on an ancient stock tracking system written in a mix of Java and Python, can't be as bad as that XD
Hey chisel,
Glad you've asked, im reckoning you will fit in well.
We work on a trial basis where you hang out with us for a week, then we do a vote.
We already have 2 people on trial atm so i will wait untill theyre finished before getting you sorted.
Ill give you a shout soon and sort out all the boring info with you.
ahh twas false economy though - during work hours I had a spare computer that was just left mining down south, only had to check on it once every half hour to unload/reload, so ended up brimming with veldspar tongue.gif. The faction ships were always kept in friendly space though, I sometimes used to group with 'the league of gentleman scoundrels' and fly a small fleet of those vampire type faction [Edit: asshimmu] + 1-2 bs pvp... that was good fun since rarely did people realise what was going on until their ships were drained then getting pummelled by the BS.

For me EVE was good for the epic BoB fights when I had a lot of resources. These days it'd take too much time and would be to expensive to lunge headfirst into the fun fights, so would probably spend most of the time lurking in safe space tongue.gif

Also: java... eugghhh.

bah java's an alright language, plus its cross platform tongue.gif and dont mention mono because it doesnt count you C# fanboy tongue.gif

JSP on the otherhand = eugghhh

also, welcome chisel biggrin.gif
i agree with monkey about java. and welcome to the site smile.gif
QUOTE (Foxx_in_Socks @ May 9 2010, 11:43 PM) *
Hey chisel,
Glad you've asked, im reckoning you will fit in well.
We work on a trial basis where you hang out with us for a week, then we do a vote.
We already have 2 people on trial atm so i will wait untill theyre finished before getting you sorted.
Ill give you a shout soon and sort out all the boring info with you.

Sounds good, cheers smile.gif
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ May 9 2010, 07:45 PM) *
Been asking others opinions of guild wars - as was offered a couple of free copies, but hadn't heard so much about it, or at least no glowingly positive reviews so far.

I can safely say that it ends up as pants and repetitive like most online mmrpg .... Conan fairs a bit better but you'll still find yourself in that 'ooooh look I just wasted 8 hours doing something completely pointless for little reward' zone.

wink.gif Nice to meet you Chisel.
Aki ya big diddy!

guild wars is gr8 fun, for a game that you have to pay Zero subscriptions for loads of content and not too many idiots on the servers

it's a very relaxing game and when you get in a guild &/Or Alliance the group chat usually extends into a riot biggrin.gif

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