Not really sure how to go about this since it has literally been ages since I applied for anything, another problem is I can usually contribute somehow with a particular skill which is not really the case here :)So here it goes.
My name is Christian I am usually called Chris or Herc(dont ask about that one) I have been a gamer for pretty much all my life starting with Attic Attack on the ZX Spectrum(a computer invented by Sir Sinclar) and gradually working my way up to counter strike where I competed on fairly decent level(Amos the AWP nerd was feared). I started playing this game last week and I will probably play anywhere between 2-4 times a week depending on the time I have available for it.
As must of you have noticed by now I am rubbish at this game, I have the reflexes of a sloth seriously doped up on weed, my aim is good up till point usually no further than 5 feet away. I bring such a huge lack of skills that I can pretty much not do anything but improve. I am fairly certain that in six moths to a year I will probably still absolutely awful but at least I will sound like I have clue.
I wish to join your ranks mainly for the social element you seem to be a nice bunch of pips and if I have not managed to offend everone yet I will endevour to do so in time.

On a more serious note I can't remain crap forever I have played fps games before and even used to lead my team in CS. I am at least in my own humble opinion a fairly easy going guy and I tend to joke around and try make people have fun. I have at times an sense of humour that may be an aquired taste, but a lot like fungus I do tend to grow on people.
So there it is, be gentle

Regards Christian