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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey !

Not really sure how to go about this since it has literally been ages since I applied for anything, another problem is I can usually contribute somehow with a particular skill which is not really the case here :)So here it goes.

My name is Christian I am usually called Chris or Herc(dont ask about that one) I have been a gamer for pretty much all my life starting with Attic Attack on the ZX Spectrum(a computer invented by Sir Sinclar) and gradually working my way up to counter strike where I competed on fairly decent level(Amos the AWP nerd was feared). I started playing this game last week and I will probably play anywhere between 2-4 times a week depending on the time I have available for it.

As must of you have noticed by now I am rubbish at this game, I have the reflexes of a sloth seriously doped up on weed, my aim is good up till point usually no further than 5 feet away. I bring such a huge lack of skills that I can pretty much not do anything but improve. I am fairly certain that in six moths to a year I will probably still absolutely awful but at least I will sound like I have clue.

I wish to join your ranks mainly for the social element you seem to be a nice bunch of pips and if I have not managed to offend everone yet I will endevour to do so in time. smile.gif

On a more serious note I can't remain crap forever I have played fps games before and even used to lead my team in CS. I am at least in my own humble opinion a fairly easy going guy and I tend to joke around and try make people have fun. I have at times an sense of humour that may be an aquired taste, but a lot like fungus I do tend to grow on people.

So there it is, be gentle smile.gif

Regards Christian
Lo shammy welcome to the forums biggrin.gif

catch you on the field
QUOTE (shammydavies @ May 5 2010, 03:15 PM) *
My name is Christian I am usually called Chris or Herc(dont ask about that one)

Obviously prompts the why are you called Herc question.
Ok, ill get onto a vote for if you can go on trial, if the vote is positive then just get on TS whenever your playing and get to know everyone, after a week, there will be a clan decision as to whether you can join.
Will have a chat to you next time your on TS.
I'm up for trialling Shammy. He sounds pretty much like me, only he's been playing games longer than me, and as he said, he hasnt managed to piss everyone, where I guess I already have ;O)
Cable, your lies are horrible. LOL If he's better than me then he can only be an asset to the clan. smile.gif
I digg! wink.gif
welcome shammy!!!!!!
QUOTE (Aki @ May 9 2010, 01:43 AM) *
I digg! wink.gif

fellow digger? Ive even got a digg tshirt (sad i know)
Hey !

Sorry for not being around much this past 1,5 weeks, work has been hell for me. I do enjoy teamspeak and getting killed by you all just lately time has not been a friend of mine.
No worries we all understand people have lives and can find it harder to get online sometimes. Will catch you when you can next get some free time smile.gif
Real life can be so inconvenient tbh
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