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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Just wanted to drop a line and say hi. This isnt technically me applying to join yet, more of a pre-warning of me possibly applying at some point in the not too distant future smile.gif

A little about me? Haven't really been in a clan since my Quake 3 days, BC2 is the first game since then thats really made me want to look into it again. Its always nice to have a friendly face (or voice) or two when killing biggrin.gif Not that im a sociopath or anything...

Played Battlefield 2 and 2142 online (still play BF2 occasionally) and spend plenty of time with some good old fashioned zombie killing mayhem on L4D and L4D2.

Oh yeah, and I always seem to end up on your server when I play BC2... It seems the most stable and I like the name, but that might be because I want my very own battlemonkey.

Anyways, i'm around on the server most nights and may eventually venture onto teamspeak, so consider yourself warned that im out there, and I will probably apply at some point wink.gif

Ciao for now o/

P.S. Just in case you're wondering, Qrbrrbl = Kwer-Ber-Bul. Its amazing how many people get that wrong... rolleyes.gif
glad to hear you are enjoying the servers smile.gif hopefully get in a few games with ya soon. so consider yourself warned, me and my noobtube are out there coolsunglasses.gif
Welcome to the sneakymonkeys.
Always nice to have people jump on teamspeak- ofc will give you priority for spaces on the servers etc,
Hope to see/speak to you soon!
(ps. we may have to give you a nickname)
Qrby works =]

Im traditionally a medic (right through BF2, 2142, even going back to Enemy Territory) but i've found myself playing sniper more often than not on BC2. I also like to think of myself as a pretty good chopper pilot, but I might be wrong biggrin.gif
welcome to the site... when I first saw the name Qrbrrbl I figured it was probably a welsh name tongue.gif

if you do come on teamspeak consider yourself warned back.. it can get quite rowdy these days biggrin.gif

(apologies in advance for cobolts/fox trying to sing in TS)
When I first saw your sign-in I truly believed the spambots had managed to break our security biggrin.gif

Anyways welcome to the site Qrby / Kirby tongue.gif

we'll try and get to know you through the forums and TS3 hopefully.

oh yh, don't worry about Fido's GL he struggles to hit the back end of a horse with a banjo biggrin.gif
Ok I was going to hang on for a week or two, but hell you guys are good fun!

Please consider this me officially applying =D
woot nice one biggrin.gif

ok once foxx gets round to reading this, she'll give you the lowdown etc

^ bump
Ill stick the vote for you to go on trial today, should have an answer for you today or tomorrow.
ill give you the run-down today.
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