I'm looking to join you folks.
I have been away from PC games for quite a while. My old graphics card was not up to much but for Crimbo I got a new card with the intention of playing COD MW2 with some mates... ahem... needless to say we all got pretty fed up with all the cheating and the general unrealism of the game. Too many ninjas and aimbots :[
Another friend got me interested in Bad Co.2 and I have to say I love the game so far!!! The only problem is the fact I seem to be joining a little late and still haven't quite got used to all this choosing servers lark. I seem to keep ending up on hardcore German (pun) servers where I'm constantly getting owned. I only recently actually discovered what punkbuster did! I'm chuffed!
I've been on the lookout to join a clan since I bought the game as I only have 1 mate who plays and to be honest I'm quite into team play. Nothing serious but its nice having a squad you can communicate with and try to achieve objectives together as opposed to the 'lone wolf' approach.
I'm 30 ... yes ... I know ... Bald ... Fat ... A biker (a real one ... not one of those train-spotter types that stand around all day polishing chrome or carbon and talking model numbers... I just ride... a lot... its a Honda... It was red once... ) I live in the New Forest in the South of England, A Musician a hobby sound engineer and a full time Luthier.
As for the nOObishness well I cut my teeth on realistic war gaming with Operation Flashpoint (I still love that game) then ARMA (which didn't quite cut the mustard for me) then MW2 as I said and now BC2. This is the first time I have attempted to join a clan, I hope it all works out

I shall try to mount your server as often as I can until I am hazed and initiated by you all lol
