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Full Version: Hi... I'm Aki... I'm nOOb... don't let that stop you from reading on tho!
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi everyone! My name is Aki (blame the 'lets name our son after my grandfather who was from Finland' hippy mother wink.gif aww I loves ya really ma).

I'm looking to join you folks.

I have been away from PC games for quite a while. My old graphics card was not up to much but for Crimbo I got a new card with the intention of playing COD MW2 with some mates... ahem... needless to say we all got pretty fed up with all the cheating and the general unrealism of the game. Too many ninjas and aimbots :[

Another friend got me interested in Bad Co.2 and I have to say I love the game so far!!! The only problem is the fact I seem to be joining a little late and still haven't quite got used to all this choosing servers lark. I seem to keep ending up on hardcore German (pun) servers where I'm constantly getting owned. I only recently actually discovered what punkbuster did! I'm chuffed!

I've been on the lookout to join a clan since I bought the game as I only have 1 mate who plays and to be honest I'm quite into team play. Nothing serious but its nice having a squad you can communicate with and try to achieve objectives together as opposed to the 'lone wolf' approach.

I'm 30 ... yes ... I know ... Bald ... Fat ... A biker (a real one ... not one of those train-spotter types that stand around all day polishing chrome or carbon and talking model numbers... I just ride... a lot... its a Honda... It was red once... ) I live in the New Forest in the South of England, A Musician a hobby sound engineer and a full time Luthier.

As for the nOObishness well I cut my teeth on realistic war gaming with Operation Flashpoint (I still love that game) then ARMA (which didn't quite cut the mustard for me) then MW2 as I said and now BC2. This is the first time I have attempted to join a clan, I hope it all works out smile.gif

I shall try to mount your server as often as I can until I am hazed and initiated by you all lol wink.gif

Aki. blink.gif
New Forest? OFP? I approve!

Well, I hope to see you around on the servers, and hopefully TS.
Hi AKI glad you dropped by. Hope to get shoot by you on the server . Drop by our TS some time
Yeah due to the lousy "friends" implementation in bc2 (i've found out that EA refuses to accept that someone can have more than 20 friends AND if you have more than 10 then you can't join on them :/)

Anyway usually b4 we boot up bc2, we connect to our public TS3 server (Teamspeak) That way we can coordinate joining servers etc (and general chatty malarky )also we usually will kick someone off the public servers to make room for TS users.

hope to see you on the field soon.

6's padawan
QUOTE (Aki @ Apr 23 2010, 01:05 AM) *
I'm 30 ... yes ... I know ... Bald ... Fat ... A biker (a real one ... not one of those train-spotter types that stand around all day polishing chrome or carbon and talking model numbers... I just ride... a lot... its a Honda... It was red once... ) I live in the New Forest in the South of England, A Musician a hobby sound engineer and a full time Luthier.

I think this whole sentence is magik6's wet dream biggrin.gif

welcome, hope to game with you soon
Hey Aki, great to see you've found your way to our forums and hope to catch you on the field and TS soon. I'm pleased to see another biker around smile.gif what did you have? CBR600RR I'm going to assume, also curious as to what stringed instruments you make?
Hi folks smile.gif Thanks for such a warm welcome! I look forward to exchanging shells tongue.gif @Magick6 Well underneath all the dirt it was a 1986 Honda Shadow American Custom VT500C. I swear someone previous had tweaked it though as it would quite happily arrive at 90mph in around 4 seconds. Unfortunately it is currently in France awaiting my return with a van and some extremely rare parts. Stupid insurance policy covers me for up to a month in Europe but the small print only includes breakdown/recovery if you are fully comp... grrr. So I'm on the lookout for a loan and then something else to sink my buttocks into lol. As for the job well mainly it's electric guitars but we do anything with strings on really, we only build custom bespoke instruments. Not meaning to spam but if you wished to have a look is the bosses site. I'm only an apprentice, a year ago I was a taxi driver / struggling musician/soundman. I'm quite chuffed with becoming an apprentice at the age of 30 victory.png
OOOO nice, they make guitars for Robert Fripp, remember seeing him as a support act for Porcupine Tree a while ago. Sorry to hear about the bike sad.gif I've had a similar issue but not involving having your bike in France, I hope you can get it sorted soon. As you prob can tell I'm more of a racing bike man myself. Sounds like it could be awesome working in a guitar workshop, envious disapointed.png
I'd love to be into racing bikes ... but my damn belly and ass wont let me! I had to do my test on a Honda VFR (I think... can never remember) and all day in that riding position told me that I really need an armchair with wheels lol. I love sportsbike styling... after all I was a huge fan of Tron as a kid! I just wish they would take the styling and start making cruisers modern (properly, not all that ooo look at the curves on that chrome downpipe more like 'hey! Is that the bike from Akira!!!' kinda thing).

Yes Mr. Fripp is one of our main focal points for building. We mainly do over-toyed electrics because we get a lot of his fans but we are keen to build anything. The more bespoke the instrument the more interesting it is to build smile.gif As for the work yes it most definitely has its good bits but a lot of the work is hard and fairly monotonous (meh I am an apprentice after all lol) but if you have a good audio book or a few albums in yer phones then its really quite zen like smile.gif
woot ^^ you know of "that" bike from akira!!!!

+1 reps
yup - welcome to the site biggrin.gif

will try not to hold your past history of CoD against you, as people said above please feel free to drop by Teamspeak - although if the magik6 is there and the conversation become about motobikes, I reserve the right to pull my own ears off.

The way things tend to be working around here is if a couple of existing members vouch for you then it goes to a 7 day full access trial after which you can choose to join or not. The vouching part is so that we can offer trials only to people who we've seen on the server or in teamspeak - help stop random people who've never played on the server (or possibly never will) from applying.

Anyhoo catch you on the server/teamspeak soon.

I apologise in advance my my use of 40mm GL sad.gif
Im foxy mcfox, once you've jumped on to TS and we know that your not a raving loony, ill give you the run-down of the clan (boring rules etc)
just remember everyones sense of humour is as sick and twisted as lord Voldemort, and if someones being rude, its usually a joke.....

I'll fit right in lol.
i have a mountain bike......

Anyway welcome to the monkeys hope you enjoy your stay.
QUOTE (foxx_in_socks @ Apr 23 2010, 12:33 PM) *
Im foxy mcfox, once you've jumped on to TS and we know that your not a raving loony, ill give you the run-down of the clan (boring rules etc)
just remember everyones sense of humour is as sick and twisted as lord Voldemort, and if someones being rude, its usually a joke.....


uhmmm. majik 5 and 6, k., kadey, hypo, kermit, gummybear, lawpf, mokeyfriend, foxx in socks, nightling, cable, cobolt, aL, and fido are in, so why not another raving looney? tongue.gif

good to see ya on the forums Aki. hope to see ya in TS and on the servers soon smile.gif
Gratz on becoming a full member of the sneakymonkeys, Welcome to the treehouse Aki =D
Thanks one and all ... this was painless =SM= all the way wink.gif
Sorry to correct you AKI the pain is about to begin dry.gif
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