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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment

I'm Sam, 24, currently reside in rainy Devon. Thought I would pop by and say 'Ello.

Loving the server, I go to favourites and refresh until there's a slot rolleyes.gif

So, is recruitment still on? Maybe your looking for a 'lil Weed? I play mean, tehehe!

Played the entire BF franchise, put BF2 away to play L4D. Never got into clanwars with L4D2, but still play regularly with friends.

What I am looking for is a community that I can be a part of, to make others feel privileged to be also. Does that make sense?

Let me know what you are looking for..

Hey Sam,
Sounds like you've done the same game pattern as us, ending up finally on BC2.
Basically as recruitment goes, We ask you to come on teamspeak each time you play, and just get to know us for a week.
Then as long as everyone gets along fine, we'll happily plant you in our proverbial garden.
Teamspeak is on the front page, theres no password and the download link is in the downloads section on the website.
Everyone's friendly (although a little sweary), So dont be afraid.
If theres no space on the server, you can always jump on Teamspeak and we'll kick to make room for you.
Catch you on the field!
Foxy McFox
hello weed i noticed you playing the other day, Since i'm not Pr0 or 1337 you'll prob be killing me a lot moar D:

anyways it was nice to have some support from a player when i'm kicking evil spawnrapers (i seem to do that more on the conquest server than actually play the damn game :/ )

anyways jump on our TS3 server, you can usually see if its occupied from the mainpage altho the viewer block is a bit messy atm, but i assure you it will be fixed soon....ish.....maybe.....ish......bah!!!!
glad you enjoy the servers, hope to get in a game with ya soon smile.gif
ahoy there and welcome.
Hey dude, was on with you last night for a few rounds, glad to see you're having fun on our servers and will catch you on there soon no doubt.

had a few rounds with you last night , glad you enjoy the servers and will no doubt be getting killed by you again soon smile.gif
ahh I remember seeing you in game a few times smile.gif

although due to the next few days of nights I probably won't be on much
I guess I'd better make myself known, as I'll be the poor sod repairing whatever vehicle you decide to break, and generally getting shot at instead of you. If you hear copious swearing on TS, then its most probably me. You'd best be wearing headphones if polite company is around... smile.gif
although haven't seen anything from him since.. guess cable must have scared him away biggrin.gif
Since we've not seen Weed on the server/TS of late, will have to reject this applcation.
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