Mar 27 2010, 08:54 PM
well i guess u know why i write, right, because i want to join this clan. mhm my reasons to join the clan are simple but easy to understand, my first reason is that u have the best clan name ive ever seen. second i love ur server, they are always full, theyre fair and its fun to play on them. and last but not least, i want to play bc2 in an organzied squad because this game is based on teamplay and thats why im looking for a clan.
now sth about me... im 15 years old and i live in germany, thats why my english isnt good as urs, an i love playing bc2. and i play every clas except sniper, becaus i cant play it ^^ welll my rank is atm 24
i hope this is enough for the moment and that u understand my english
Mar 27 2010, 09:13 PM
hi - welcome to the site. I believe Foxx_in_socks will reply to your message when she gets back
meanwhile might see you in game
Mar 28 2010, 11:12 PM
Hi Moltibet,
We are very open to having regulars on our servers and Teamspeak, We do not usually accept anyone under the age of 18, however we have made exceptions in the past.
The best thing to do would be to get on our teamspeak with us when you play and we can see how we all get along.
Teamspeak 3 download is on the website and can be found in the download section from the tabs at the top of the front page.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
was back on our server sporting a ---DNO--- tag maybe he's been accepted into another clan?
Mar 31 2010, 01:40 PM
Maybe he was one of those people who wanted to join a clan in general, prob for the best as people like that aren't involved with things at all, look at contender and even gummy bear, he hasn't been back since going on about not being a member.
i stand by my comment people should try and take more of a interest in the forums
thats where all the cool kids hang out

that and a bit of IRC ^^
Apr 1 2010, 11:53 AM
QUOTE (K. @ Apr 1 2010, 07:25 AM)

i stand by my comment people should try and take more of a interest in the forums
thats where all the cool kids hang out

that and a bit of IRC ^^
pfft IRC is where all the cool kids hung out about 20 years ago (Excluding the excellent unreal tournament front end that plugged into the UTchat IRC network)
but yeah, I agree it'd be nice if people were active on the forums as well as in game - but then I'm biased. Also even though I'm constantly prowling these forums, it's not usually when I'm off or at home (as I'm playing then) - I reckon if I worked in a job where I had no intermaweb access then I'd see the forums a whole lot less
damn showing my age again..........
no... wait..., i meant to say Twitter!, yh ofc...... silly me

not IRC (no idea what that is) Twitter TWITTER!!!!!!!
Apr 1 2010, 12:29 PM
Apr 1 2010, 01:28 PM
the meaningless drivel and profanity... I actually can't see any differences between twitter and twatter
Apr 1 2010, 06:15 PM
well moltibet is sporting new DNO tags as mentioned earlier, so will close this topic now
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