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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi! I'm (as you probably have already guessed) Kade/Kadey!

This post may be a little disjointed as I've been writing it in between being alive in BC2.

I am Ali, a 22 year old brit who's had quite a long and varied time with the BF series from right back where it started with '42. I played quite (well, very) competitively in that and Vietnam, and the very early days of BF2, before really deciding that it wasn't really quite what I was looking for. I have taken a much more laid back approach to gaming - I'd like to say 'healthier', but I'm not really sure how true that would be.

As far as what led me to here specifically, having played the 'beta' the last couple of weeks before its end, I realised that BC2 was the Battlefield I'd been looking for, having not really been impressed by much of the last couple of years' offerings.

And basically I have had a blast on your server today and ended up here and having read about your (from the sounds of it successful) attempt to make a nice BF2 server free of much that drove me away, I found myself writing this post.

I have read the posts at the top of this particular sub-forum, and I am perfectly happy to sit around and hope that you might let me have a trial with you.



Back off to your server to attempt to knife one of the Magiks again (and not be knifed too many times in return)!

Edit: Nearly forgot to mention, I'm partial to bit of L4D1/2 from time to time as well, although I can be a bit rubbish.
Hi Kade

I noticed you on the server numerous times, and in my squad at times too. Nice to know there are some other reliable team players in the public smile.gif Showing real dedication writing this while playing and hopefully get stabbed in the bum by me biggrin.gif I'm sure I'll catch you about soon buddy.

Take care

Edit: I used to be partial to a bit of L4D1/2 myself untill I realised it was rubbish happy.gif
hey there, ive seen you on our server a lot! usually thru the kill-cam dammit tongue.gif

well enjoy your stay and even try coming on our public TS if you see any of the =SM= on the server

oh yh you mentioned l4d1/2 gimme a buzz if your up for versus i'm usually up for a game ^^
Hey Kadey,

Firstly, DAMN YOU and your kniving! you always seemed to get in there first =[ biggrin.gif

Feel free to drop by our teamspeak server when your next on - the IP can be found on the home page - its generally our main source of communication whilst in game (although be careful of Magik6's constant moaning about vehicles - and my moaning about why the kniving mechanism sucks LOL).

Hope to see you in game soon,

Magik5 ( because 5 > 6)
Howdy welcome to =SM=.
Hallo Kadey,
As long as the guys are happy to get back into recruiting for BC2 then all we need to do is spend a little time together!
so jump on TS whenever your playing, and get to know the guys, and in a week or so, as long as everyone gets along ok were good to go.
Ill see you on the field!
Foxxy McFox
Bah, fox never spent a little time together with me when I joined... bloody favouritism... biggrin.gif
Hey smile.gif I remember you from last night. Which considering my level of drunkeness is impressive in itself smile.gif

As for recruitment, is pretty much what fox said. Although there might be a bit of a delay since the clan is currently geared towards l4d/l4d2 and I think there needs to be a bit of discussion how/where to proceed with BC2

Anyway, see you on the battlefield... if these fecking EA authentication servers ever let anyone in sad.gif
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