Feb 24 2010, 09:21 AM
See Poll.
Obviously things may change when the game goes live - different tweaks/gamemodes etc.,
In the meantime am trying to get a feeling for settings that people are likely to want on our server
One of the bones of contention on bf2 was Friendly fire. BF2 had enable + FF off for Friendly mines/claymores - we don't know whether there will be such an option for BC2 yet, so have left the choice as enable/disable for now.
Please note Hardcore mode forces other settings e.g. you can't have hardcore mode + minimap
More settings may follow e.g. hopefully restrict crates to being destroyed only by rigging them and not by tanks/c4 but no news as yet. :-)
If anyone wants to discuss other potential settings e.g. baserape/vehicle stealing etc., go ahead
Feb 24 2010, 09:46 AM
I voted for disable on hardcore mode on the basis that I've not managed to get on a server running it. Has anyone else managed to have a blast on hardcore mode, if thoughts please.
Feb 24 2010, 10:43 AM
I've played hardcore a few times, but it wasn't quite what I was hoping for. The armour tends to own and it's not as skillful as normal mode as people seem to aim less - because you die faster people tend to just spray bullets more or you just get sniped.
My thoughts on the killcam are split - it'd help stop snipers camping but hinders the ability for a squad leader to provide a spawn point near the action
Rank limits seem fairly pointless to me.. i would consider if there was a way of restricting low ranks from using vehicles but this isn't an option

FF is a bit different to BF2 - the maps are a lot busier and it seems easier to shoot people on your team. Not sure how to vote in this regard - might just be a case of trying both and see which option people are happier with.
I'll vote in this at a later date :-)
Feb 24 2010, 02:24 PM
i vote no on killcam because the killcam pisses me off on MW2. gives ur position away every damn time, so the person u killed just comes around the corner and kills u.
Feb 24 2010, 02:40 PM
not going to vote until ive actually played the main gamefor at least a week, i suspect people would want to change their votes after having given it a fair go as well
Feb 24 2010, 03:42 PM
yeah, i will probably change mine after playing the full game.
Mar 20 2010, 01:26 PM
After playing around for a bit I've come to the realisation that the rush map 'Nelson Bay' is actually infantry only, so I was wondering what people's opinion was if we were to put one of the servers running this map only for those inf fan boys out there?
Mar 20 2010, 02:28 PM
Really don't matter to me. If you want we can put the second server as inf only maps
Mar 20 2010, 02:47 PM
forgot about this poll - ive pretty much just mirrored the current settings me have now as i dont see any reason to change
I would like to suggest we try some alternative/harder settings on the second CQ server ( the 24 man one)
maybe take out crosshairs, makes GL harder to use
add friendly fire ; again less CG/GL/Nade spam
and poss disable spotting (not too sure on this one/ open to suggestions)
thoughts plz
Apr 30 2010, 03:36 PM
so hardcore mode then?
no not HC
because it lowers HP meaning spraying bullets nets you kills
my alternative would force people to aim and concentrate fire
Apr 30 2010, 04:30 PM
I would rather we just stick it on HC mode tbh, I've had a few rounds on HC servers and generally found them enjoyable.
Apr 30 2010, 09:15 PM
well set up the server one way and see how it pans out.
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