Unlike L4D which practically manages itself, BC2 (like BF2) requires these rules be in place
=SM= Bad Company 2 Server Rules
General Server Rules
No Cheating/Glitching/Hacking - PERMANENT BAN & Reported to EA
No Abusive Behaviour (includes Racism and personal insults) - KICK/BAN
No Unnecessary TeamKills - KICK/BAN
No Uncap Baseraping - KICK/BAN
No Disruptive behaviour (includes forcing TK's/smoking own team etc.,) - KICK
General Rules
We allow ALL weapons, don't complain about 'nooby' weapons e.g. Grenades/GL/mortars
Autobalance is on
Punkbuster takes auto screenshots - see PB section for info.
Don't spam votes.
Our server has Autobalance automatically enabled. There is a threshold of 2 before it kicks in e.g. teams may be unbalanced by a total of 2 players before teams are autobalanced. If you wish to be moved to another team you should be able to do this as long as the teams are still balanced (e.g. less than 2 player difference) - or ask an admin ( we can move players at our discretion and as long as game is fairly balanced)
We do occasionally balance the teams manually - e.g. if the player numbers are balanced, but 1 team has a load of high scoring players while the other team are privates. This is to keep the general balance of the game and make it fun for everyone. We try not to rebalance in a way that splits up clan members.
If we are unable to switch players and the teams are heavily stacked, after asking players to switch if no action is taken we remove players from the stacked side. If players join and switch back to the stacked side they may be banned
Rounds per Map:
Currently 2 rounds per map with all maps in rotation
All vehicles can be used. Players may attempt to steal the enemy team's vehicles. Standing in the way of vehicles in order to force a TK on you as you wanted to drive will result in a kick or ban. You may not try to force a pilot/co-pilot out because you want a friend/clan member in their place - again a kick/ban. Stealing a vehicle does not give you licence to camp in an uncap, please see the notes regarding baserape
C4 IS allowed. C4 is allowed on flags and crates
Our server allows people to use the jump key. Bunnyhopping/dolphindiving do not exist in bc2, so please whine somewhere else.
The language filter is active on certain racist words, triggering it will result in a ban that we will not lift. We don't mind some friendly banter (it's a 16+ game after all!) Please remember the rules regarding abusive behaviour though. The admins have discretion with regards to language, you may be warned or you may be kicked.
PB screenshots are taken automatically and is streaming to punksbusted/pbbans, screenshots are available to members at all times.
We make screenshots available to public on request on the forums (although we will strip GUID/IP info from them)
Making Room on a server:
We do not operate reserved slots, we will however kick a player to make room for a clan member. We will usually try to remove the player with the lowest score or ask the clan member to wait if the round is due to end shortly.
We now also kick to make room for people using our Teamspeak server, so if the servers full, drop onto teamspeak and we'll see what we can do.
Complaining about Rules:
Our rules in general are voted on by the clan members. If you have issue with certain aspects e.g. the use of unlocks, jumping or the use of the grenade launcher (

Rules are subject to change without notice.
Based on the BF2 ruleset 13/11/2007
Last updated 13/02/2010