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Full Version: cant kick or ban
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > PC, Website, Server & Game Support
We had some guys coming in our game and suiciding several times tonight. Was really making it hard to get a game started. tried kicking DethKlown and he kept coming right back in. so i tried banning him, but he came right back in. is there anyway to fix this? and i am still having a problem connecting to the server. gummy finally got it to work. he said he opened up the console pasted the mm_force thingy and then started the round without closing the console. not sure if not closing the console had anything to do with it, but it worked. i was thinking that maybe, because the new update is supposed to make it to where when searching for a server it searches for servers where the players will have a low ping, it will not connect us with the sm servers. any ideas on that? thanx for any help smile.gif
currently we should be using the mm_force command to connect to the servers.. sv_Search has once again been bugging so we've stopped using it. I'm not sure about the change to max search ping... from the release documentation it looks like they've changed the cvar sv_search_max_ping to: sv_search_max_ping 150 (you can set this higher if needed by doing sv_search_max_ping 300 in the console or in your /cfg/autoexec.cfg file)... However I don't think this should make a difference as searching is only used when searching for a server; using the mm_froce should automatically connect you to a server regardless

I've started looking into dethklown (sometimes called |BP™|DethKlown, shinobi, |BP*| Klown ), IP (comcast) based just north of detroit, us (based on IP) specifically St Clair Shores, MI 48081 (based on me snooping). STEAM_0:1:17411012. I wouldn't worry about him... I've made sure he's banned on the servers now, Other than that people of his sort usually get a comeuppance... probably very soon...

Will now start looking through the log files to find why you couldn't ban
thanks smile.gif i always use the mm_froce. its the only way i get on the server i wanna be on, which is #2. but it hasnt worked since the update. will probably try again tomorrow.
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