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I recently got my brother L4D2 for his laptop so we could play. Unfortunatly after downloading it, the game won't launch. I try launching the game and it says installing, gets to 1% then says steam needs to updates and restart, steam closes down but doesn't start up again. Any ideas on what to do?
hmm stop steam from installing the game

and make sure the steam client is fully up to date b4 trying to download l4d2

also posting lappy specs couldn't hurt biggrin.gif
try updating to the steam beta smile.gif
he has tried updating the beta and has had no luck. He tried complete removal followed by downloading it again.

computer specs

Windows vista home premium (boo)

intel core 2 Duo CPU T8300 @ 2.4 GHz

3 GB of RAM

32-bit operating system

ask if you need more smile.gif

You tried a steam support ticket?

They are slow but I found if you bug them enough, they do their job.
nope as long as your memory isnt glitching then your lappy seems to be well withing the operating requirements

i dunno if there is some sort of residual that is preventing this working?

i'm assuming that steam is downloading to the regular c:/programfiles/steam

if at all possible try changing the default download folder to maybe the second drive ? (if there is one) [usually lappys have a partition in the drive to give you a C:/ + D:/]

also you say that the game is downloaded?

is there any other games on this steam account that work/don't work?
you can try right clicking on the game and there's an option for something like 'verify local content'
Oh and there was a thread on steam forums in l4d2 sub forum with people having same problem. Didn't read it to see the outcome but if u can find it, may help.
cheers for all the help, managed to geting it working, after trying just about everything we decided to reinstall steam and hope it would solve the problem and it did smile.gif

thanks you.
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