i've personally used ts2 and vent, but 've no experience with the other 2
at a glance mumble seems to be a cheaper option but i dont know if there is a serious drop in quality/bandwidth/overheads etc
and i assume TS3 is a newer version so it may be costlier and tbh TS2 seems to do a excellent bug free job

(coupled with TSoverlay [which rocks btw])
i dunno about other users but i use vent as well, but i find it's a bit buggy sometimes and the direct input sometimes goes missing forcing you to bind a extra button to reset the directinput (in my experience anyway :/)
gonna rush off DL mumble and ts3 and see if i can connect to some public servers and see if they are better and maybey see if their users will provide some feedback ^^
*fin this post later*
*mumble* @ wiki
Mumble is a free, open-source, cross-platform voice over IP application. Its primary users are gamers, and it is similar to programs such as TeamSpeak and Ventrilo. It uses a client-server architecture where users who want to talk connect to the same server.[1]
Mumble's stated design goal is not to create the most elite gaming utility but to create the most social one. The goal is to recreate the feel and social interaction of a LAN party. As such, Mumble has a very simple administrative interface and most of the engineering effort is put into sound quality and low latency.
As of version 1.1, all communication is encrypted to ensure user privacy.[2] As of version 1.1.7 Mumble has native support for Logitech G15 keyboard LCD display.
***random host showing price comparison , mumble looks cheaper here***looks like mumble uses the speex codec same as TS2 so i guess quality must be at least on par
but on another note if TS3 is coming out then does that mean that all the TS2 providers will be upgrading ? so this could be the end of TS2?
omg mumble client is 12meg O_O wtf is in it ?????
omg it picks up everthing !!! supa sensitive and clear AND positional audio !
mumble seems very well programmed the infterace wizard for a new user is very friendly and intuitive (i sound like a mumble salesman ^^) and setting up for PTT and VA is a breeze, i recommend everyone at least downloading mumble and having a play around
oh yh its 12meg as both the client and server are included in the same package