I played some vs with a mate and 6 publics last night, I think we used #12 as #3 and #4 were being used.
My mate said it auto changed him to other side, not sure if there's an auto balance or he was just being a flid as he's not very computer literate.
Anyways, cos he was changed to other side, I was chatting to him in steam trying to decipher what he was telling me when his whole team got raped ending in a vote kick. The vote kick banned him from the server.
I logged into HLSW and unbanned the only id listed on #12 but he still couldn't get in. Trying to get his steam id was like getting water from stone so I gave up.
His name was SeR|o AKA TeAMK|LLeR or something 1337 like that, lol. Could you find him and unban him please?