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I played some vs with a mate and 6 publics last night, I think we used #12 as #3 and #4 were being used.

My mate said it auto changed him to other side, not sure if there's an auto balance or he was just being a flid as he's not very computer literate.
Anyways, cos he was changed to other side, I was chatting to him in steam trying to decipher what he was telling me when his whole team got raped ending in a vote kick. The vote kick banned him from the server.

I logged into HLSW and unbanned the only id listed on #12 but he still couldn't get in. Trying to get his steam id was like getting water from stone so I gave up.

His name was SeR|o AKA TeAMK|LLeR or something 1337 like that, lol. Could you find him and unban him please?
yep, he's unbanned already.

Although it doesn't appear on the banlist, if a player gets vote kicked they can't rejoin for a few minutes (in the case of 'tards, to stop them coming back and tk'ing etc.)

You should still be able to unban using the steam ID... you can get this through either the or more easily if he's played on one of our servers by going to the stats system and looking up the player, it automatically shows the steamID in the player profile smile.gif You can them !unban that
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