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Full Version: Bllazinshoop
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey im Ryan and im 19 years old. Im interested in joining a fun matre clan tha plays CSS and Left4Dead 2 which happens to be you guys. i know youre kind of full on recruitment but If you can possibly squeeze me in I willbe very happy. im a very good Left4Dead player with a good gaming PC. Im Blazinshoop on steam so hit me up. Id love to join. Im very active and love to always play.
hey.. welcome to the website! We're currently playing l4d/l4d2 but we don't really do anything on the CSS front (some members might play, but they probably keep it a dirty little secret tongue.gif)

Anyway, Fox_in_socks will probably make a post here and we'll probably catch you in game soon smile.gif
I grew up on CS and playing CSS is like cheating on your gf. But I'll happily 1.6 with you smile.gif
Once i manage to stop being busy all the damn time and get back onto some l4d2, we'll grab some games together and go from there, ill add you and invite you to the group so you can meet some of the others.
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