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Thought I'd just plonk a topic in here to differentiate known bugs in L4D2.

I've reviewed a lot of the chat logs and see people complaining about 'gay servers' etc., when the don't seem to realise some bugs are game bugs tongue.gif (or worse complaining about the server being badly set up because of their massive pings; not seemingly realising they've connected to a UK server from west coast USA tongue.gif)

L4D2, Plank Country: Glitch in Versus mode that gives the survivors 500 points upon activation of the crank that calls over the river boat. The glitch also temporarily prevents the infected players from spawning.

L4D2, Plank Country : Game sometimes switches to realism mode for the 1st survivor team in versus.
L4D2, Dead Center : Game sometimes switches to realism mode for the 1st survivor team in versus.

Will add more game bugs when I think of them
vs, plank country glitch at the beginning where the first set of survivors do not get weapons or med kits at the start
QUOTE(Magik5 @ Dec 4 2009, 11:59 AM) *
vs, plank country glitch at the beginning where the first set of survivors do not get weapons or med kits at the start

Updated original post, I believe this is the same as dead center where the server decides to use realism mode for the first survivor team, so that they don't get guns/meds at the begginning. Since realism ins't supposed to be accessible in versus this has to be a bug. Will check this later though
For the first time last night, activation of the crank in swamp fever didnt give 500 points. Maybe fixed now but it may need further testing to confirm.
QUOTE(ConTenDeR^ @ Dec 4 2009, 12:17 PM) *
For the first time last night, activation of the crank in swamp fever didnt give 500 points. Maybe fixed now but it may need further testing to confirm.

ohhh... although I've done nothing to fix this. It happens in other servers too, so just thought I'd leave it for vavle to fix.
Also I noticed you used a !stuck command, although after dan mentioning they'd fixed the stuck issues in the last patch, I disabled that plugin.

Is it still possible to get stuck? (if so will reactivate my plugin)
i wondered why you used this as well, from what i remember you were playing as infected? either way, didnt look like anyone was stuck
I was a jockey and it spawned me under the planks and on top of an upside turned boat, couldn't move. Someone else got spawned under there too but pressing the use button (default e) moves u so I got out.
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