this is the official config for the ESL for when slightly more advanced teams are playing so killing someone means they stay dead lol
dunno if anyone would fancy having this as a option on the l4d2 servers to turn on/off as and when needed ?
mod files here main Confogl Features are:
Match mode can be enabled anytime with !match command Match mode includes the following features:
* Reduced Spawn Timers to 20 seconds
* Tank on EVERY map
* Tank is frozen and ghosted with fire immunity for 5 seconds
* Tanks take 50% less damage from melee weapons
* Tank punch-fix (allows the tank to punch survivors off an edge that otherwise would have incapacitated them on the spot)
* Witch 75% spawn rate on maps 2-4
* T2/3 weapon spawns limited during map and removed from saferooms (replaced with T1)
* Medkits replaced with Pills
* Defibs removed
* Explosive / Fire ammo removed
* Laser Sights removed
* Chainsaw nerfs (Removed as default)
* Grenade launcher removed (can also be nerf'ed instead)
* Minor witch buffs (Fixes wandering witch)
* Jockey releap after incap timer reduced to 15 seconds (from 30)
* Reduced health items density by 2/3
* Reduced throwables density by 2/3
* 100 pt survivor and 100 pt Tie Breaker bonuses
* Pause Feature
* Special infected 'Ghost-warp'
* Ghost mode enabled on finales
* Kills lobby reservation
* Water slow down
* Password feature
* HUD in spectator mode which shows health and control of a tank when in play
Hard-mode enabled by !buffsi command The features on the !buffsi command are the following:
* Smoker buffs / longer and faster tongue
* Increased jockey damage
* Witch becomes aggressive faster
* Reduced spawn timers to 15 seconds