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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hey smile.gif

stumbled across your forums and am generally always on the lookout for decent people to play a bit of l4d ( 1 or 2 ) with.

If you are ever short on numbers for a vs or generally need someone to shoot you in the back of the head at regular intervals add me ("aL") on steam via the SM group and gimme a shout.

nice of you to say hello, anyways maybe try joining the sneaky monkeys steam group, most of our players usually load up l4d1/2 in the evening so if you see a load of us loaded up but not in game then were prob trying to fill a lobby up

anyways cya around, well i hope so since i have no gfx card atm
Hey there, played with you today, im thinking youll fit right in, theres a game every evening, usually between 6 and 10 will be plenty of people playing, some come join in!
Cheers , was a good game yesterday despite no less than two epic tank fails on my part !

anyhew will hopefully get some more games in with you this week , although the later it is the more beer hax i will have consumed wacko.gif

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