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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi all!
My name is Adam and my handle is ConTenDeR^. I live in Ipswich, Suffolk (yes, that's where the fattest bloke alive lived if you read The Sun!) and am 27 years old.

I saw Monkey post in a recruitment section on L4D official forums and added him to Steam friends list. I recall he said something about playing with you guys and making presence known before applying.
Well I played a bit with a few of you now and I like what I see. Especially like that not once, no-one has rage quitted and left a versus until the very end.

It's hard playing this game if everyone leaves all the time and just leads to a miserable gaming experience so if the last 2 days have been anything to go by, I could get use to playing with you all on a regular basis.

Any other questions, just ask and I'll do my best.

Many thanks,
hi adam. thanx for stoppin by smile.gif playin with the public can get annoying sometimes tongue.gif and the rage quitters make it very hard to complete a whole round. add me to your friends list and maybe i will see you in game soon smile.gif
well i don't know about this one..........he seemed to know what he was doing, and used teamwork to overcome me at every turn, these are characteristics not shown in the sneaky monkeys biggrin.gif tongue.gif

loool just kiddin

oh yeah played with you last night, you had a mic?

i think i remember cornering you as a tank and finishing you off with point blank rocks tongue.gif

well cya ingame soon eh
QUOTE(ConTenDeR^ @ Nov 10 2009, 10:06 PM) *
It's hard playing this game if everyone leaves all the time and just leads to a miserable gaming experience so if the last 2 days have been anything to go by, I could get use to playing with you all on a regular basis.

Obviously not played with Fox or K. yet tongue.gif

Played with you the other night, although you were on other team (on steam i use Dan as my username)

Anyway, welcome and im sure youll settle in just fine.
Welcome to the site smile.gif

No ragequits? pffft we're obviously not pubstomping hard enough tongue.gif

I'm sure Fox will be in touch with you soon regarding recruitment.

Thanks for the replies, should see most of u real soon on the servers for some zombie killing smile.gif
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