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Full Version: Snape's Recruitment Application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Snape's On A Plane
Hi my name is Michael Roberts and im 17. I have been playing with Gabe alot and would really like to join. I have played on the server a couple of times and you all sound really nice. I am at the moment in full time education at college and spend my free time playing L4D. I have also played with Monkey and Foxx today. I look forward to your reply. My steam name is mikeymousedr (Don't laugh)
got my vote but as all new members you'll need a week trial first smile.gif
i'm pretty new too, and i've found everyone really nice biggrin.gif

anyways i'll look out for you ingame
We dont usually recruit anyone under 18, but ill have a chat with everyone and see what i can do.
Snape's On A Plane
I'm 18 on the 15th of this month if that helps
that does make a difference smile.gif
Ok fair enough, ill sort out a trial
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