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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello, SneakyMonkeys!

I've already attended some awesome L4D sessions (looking forward to L4D2) with some of you guys (Cobolt, Foxx, Hypo, Magik6 to name a few). Now, I ask if I may officially join you!

Playing together with decent guys is really important to have fun with L4D and that's what I experience when playing together with you (and I hope that I contribute to this experience myself, of course).

Though beware: english is not my native language. I read english texts on a daily basis and am adept at communicating via text. Speech can be difficult sometimes , though (I'm not used to speak english aloud and dealing with thick accents can be difficult laugh.gif ) - but I'm confident that it's not a deal breaker (I try to improve) - (and you can start learning german in return any day! tongue.gif ).

I'm looking forward to getting a trial membership! smile.gif


hey quanta, think your on my friends list, must have played with you in the early days of l4d

language wont be an issue, so your fine there.

im sure we can stick you on a trial, and get a game with us as much as possible during the next week so we can get to know you biggrin.gif

Magik5 (Dan)
yeah lets give it a go, ill give you the run down, and basically over the next trial week, try and play with everyone to get to know them.
Hi Quanta,

Guys hes a thouroughly nice chap and I have played in many games with him in the past. Hopefully the trial will be a success and we will look forward to owning you really badly in the future.

Welcome to the website :-)

Think I saw you recently on Op flashpoint (about building levels?) - but I've given up on that game due to the bugs/lack of servers tongue.gif

As for the above recommendations, I've adjusted your website/server access (sent you a PM explaining the details)

Hopefully will see you in game soon smile.gif


Thank you for the trial membership and pleasant welcome! smile.gif

QUOTE(HYPOBOXER @ Oct 28 2009, 01:46 PM) *
he's a thouroughly nice chap

Don't say that! It can only go downhill with my reputation from such a high entry point. unsure.gif wink.gif

QUOTE(MonkeyFiend @ Oct 28 2009, 02:34 PM) *
Think I saw you recently on Op flashpoint (about building levels?) - but I've given up on that game due to the bugs/lack of servers tongue.gif

Yes, I was the one. But I've abandoned this game aswell for now for the same reasons.
Hallo Quanta,

Wie gehts?

Thats all the German I know tongue.gif

Hallo Lawpf2001,

mir geht's gut. Danke!

Und selbst?

(I'm fine, thanks!

And you?)

PS: Your avatar (snap trap in tongue?!) looks disturbingly painful, but I can't avert my gaze. blink.gif
Once you get a mic quanta, ill sort out the end of the trial
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