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Full Version: new mouse ^^
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got my new stuff in ^^ and altho i've not tried it all in ager yet if does feel rather special yay biggrin.gif

a fine mouse/keypad setup ruined by a dell keyboard tongue.gif

That being said am still sceptical of the bloated mouse and I last had a keypad thing a couple of years ago, never got used to it and so just reverted back to the keyboard. Although each to their own I guess smile.gif

I do still use the neural impulse actuator methingy for some stuff - usually shooting in FPS games and for movement in Lotro - although it becomes unuseable if you have redbull or alcohol (thereby ruling it out on the weekends sad.gif)
i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally cant help but laugh at all that kit. like reeeeeally cant
yeah i totally agree on the "dell" comment, i stole the keyboard from work, and i've never gotten round to doing a serious upgrade :/

i prob will get some sort of generic glow in the dark effort, as i really love those gaming keyboards for keeping my mouse hand close to my WASD hand
well it's been a couple of weeks game time on the new stuff

the mouse well it's flipping awesome, i actually play on a lower dpi now :/ but this one is so smooth it sems to glide onto heads like a aimbot biggrin.gif

and at first i had reservations of the size of the mouse, but after testing it (loads lol) its actually the same size grip wise as my old copperhead (look at the grey area this is where the palm rests) and the black parts that extend out actually support my fingers which previously hung off the sides of my mouse and i feel became uncomfortable after longer sessions

well if anyone else is looking for a mouse (upgrade/replacement) then this should at least be considered, it may have less bells and whistles than other mice, but it does the core needs exceptionally well
*Double post ftl*

this is happening a lot :/

monkey can u include some sort of anti spamming timer into the post button so it only works once every minute?

i dunno if that is hard to do or not :S
there is one, but =SM= are immune tongue.gif

will try and stick it back in again tongue.gif
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