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Hi guys, well im not a pirate really but thought I would say hi. Was havin a game with Foxx and Cobalt earlier on left4dead and we had our asses handed to us sad.gif
I play lotsa stuff but was checkin through your site and it appears we all share the love for bf2, I play L4D, Aion, TF2, CSS, etc etc. Sooo if anyone wants a game sometime, especially bf2, (i miss it so) add me on steam - orgasmatronuk (play as captainhero or ragequitter) and xfire - Orgasmatron007. (the orgasmatron nick is from when I was young and immature!)
Cheers peeps
Welcome alex!
Welcome to the site smile.gif

My first comment is yay for bf2 and l4d - although don't play Bf2 anymore thanks to the general cheating and prone deviation sillyness inthe last patch... I miss the old action packed days on our servers

My second comment is: CSS? dirty dirty filthy boy!

I've played a fair bit of lotro in the past, but a lot of people left that game and went to aion...I've heard quite a few good reviews of it. Actually looking at your gaming history it appears you've practically been stalking me ohmy.gif tongue.gif

anyhoo am sure we'll catch you in game soon biggrin.gif
Thanks peeps, as for CSS if it wasnt for the original counterstrike (played continuously in college) I would never have discovered the joy of FPS games! Counting down the days for L4D2!!
Oh and you should try Aion if you can spare the time and dont mind a PVP based mmo. And you can fly with big ol angel wings! I got ganked sooo many times last nite tho smile.gif
ahahahahaha just saw your profile animation there monkeyfiend, is baloo doing what i think he is doing lol.

I'm sure I don't know what you mean :halo:
Hola. I still play bf2. I have CS although dont play it. So hit me up on Steam if you want play BF2. I usually hand around the Candys or BBUK servers

Sorry Captain.
Hi!!! i play bf2 and l4d! altho i haven't played bf2 much lately. when i do i usually end up on the =FaRT= servers or =TBU=!!!
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