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K. uses flee.

Flee fails.

Having a real hoot on my "trial" so far, in fact i've been really impressed at the setup of this community, no doubt to the hard work of the upper echelons MF+F'n'S both have been very friendly and communicative.

Also loving the very casual alltalk server, which means i can play a much more relaxed game without worrying about winning or losing tongue.gif, personally i wanna jump all over cable every night now, as i love the way he screams for help in such a girly fashion

ok here's some boring stuff about me,

33ys old
Married 0 kids (i'm a big enough kid)
gaming since the days of the vextrex biggrin.gif
i have 2 lovely cats penny + misty pics later i promise!
and i stay in bonny scotland
fave drink, lager + black, baileys, JD+coke, morgans + coke, Gin + fresh OJ,and cocktails biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
fave food Texas BBQ dominos pizza
current weight "Ginormous" lol's actually i'm only 10.5 stones and 5'10"
things i love, Initial D, Hellsing, Wildhearts, Liquorice,sugar rushes, toast + cherry jam, cats, goth girls, driving,coffee, pot noodles,cricket and facial scrubs =D in that order ofc

anyways i'll catch u all in game soon tongue.gif
ewww you like liquorice ohmy.gif

Jumping all over cable and making him scream like a girl.... this also works in game tongue.gif
Thats my fav pizza!!!!
Hehe, Pokemon reference.
HAX!!!!!! tongue.gif
Initial D is awesome. I love that anime! They just made a movie too btw.
had some good games with u the other night!!!
=R6= Raile
if they let me have my own opinion i'd say don't let him in till he gets a new wife..

oh and all-speak sux (just like all of you)

luckily K i dont get a vote so you dont have to impress me just to stay.. in fact you probably get to stay now just cuz i posted this! (you owe me one now)
all TALK




=R6= Raile
you would know
you two have the word suck in common
ta raile for the vote of confidence <3
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