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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi guys smile.gif Played a bit with you for the first time today, and I really enjoyed it! If possible I'd love to join your clan biggrin.gif.

I'm not very good, but I can definitly get better smile.gif

A little bit about me:

I used to live in England, however moved to France around last year, currently studying for my A-levels, after which I will return to England. I'm 18 years old, male, and rather quiet around new people, however I'm sure that given time I will become as talkative as I usually am. biggrin.gif

Thanks for considering me,
Not that my vote counts biggrin.gif but I vote yes
He punted me out of that air about 1000 times when I was the hunter tongue.gif
meh we're all crap. so no worries. we're not a clan who bases membership on performance anyway.
you have to play at a decent american time to be recruited tongue.gif
Think I played with you briefly yesterday. smile.gif Since cobolt and others have posted I'll setup trial members access (full admin)

There's a post for new members here:
And a post detailing various admin info here:

If anything doesn't make sense then give me a shout. Don't forget if you want server admin then we need your SteamID smile.gif
Anyway, welcome on board and hope to see you in game soon smile.gif

Also we need to see who we're abusing in game - if you can send some sort of picture of yourself to for the front page smile.gif
Also don't forget to join the clan steam group here:

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