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Full Version: Nightling want into SM! (pick me!)
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hi all!! It's me Jess. (Nightling) Ok I feel left out and want to join SM to be with all my friends. I have played with most of you and still do daily even with my 11 HOUR time difference! smile.gif (how's THAT for commitment? lol) Hope you'll let me join. It would be an HONOR to have the =SM= symbol with my name. smile.gif Thanks guys! See you soon!
Yep, you got my vote. Even after having to guide you through the whole forum shebang, step-by-agonising-step wink.gif

dont see why not, we'll put you on a week trial (like all new comers) but you shouldnt worry about that, its just so we can all get to know you before we say yes.

fyi, its generally only me (Dan) cable and cobolt who play l4d from this clan anymore, sometimes a few others on an irregular basis...

oh and fido's also american, so you should get along just fine tongue.gif
fido's american? since when!? tongue.gif

yeah, good ot see you finally got round to joining! smile.gif I've adjusted forum access to allow access to the members only section, there are some posts about getting admin on the server (not that many people so far have done!)

Anyhoo... now playing 'irregularily' as 5 says I'll probably be on tonight if anyone is around - it's a rare occasion where both myself and fox have the weekend off together smile.gif
any phrase that defines monkey is garuntee'd to have 'irregular' it in.

e.g. "monkeys peni is shriveled and irregular"
Shrivelled and irregular also describes your donations for the upkeep of the server biggrin.gif
lol. do we really need another american? it was nice being the only one of my kind tongue.gif
nono, we only need one. your time has come fido, make way for the new and improved model tongue.gif
DAMN Americans!!!! angry.gif
QUOTE(fido77 @ Sep 12 2009, 03:46 AM) *
DAMN Americans!!!! angry.gif

you can now talk together in that American language.
Iofur Wolfsbane
She has my vote any day of the week
I have no control over anything (despite my status as one of the few remainign L4D players), but I vote yes!!!!
Hey, I dont mind although tbh im probs not included as a vote anymore lol tongue.gif

and dan how come i dont get noticed as playing l4d from SM??

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