Sep 4 2009, 01:53 PM
what up! My names Tony, I'm 26 from liverpool and I've played battlefield2 for a long time,, I've juststarted playing left4dead and have played some of your team the other night and now I want to join your clan. hope that youll accept me for a triall!
Sep 4 2009, 02:54 PM
I'm a little busy in work at the moment, but will give this a proper reply later on
Sep 7 2009, 09:17 AM
In brief: No, you can't join.
At length, I will explain with use of a story:
Imagine, if you will, a small ugly wretch of a child emerges from a broken home.. Let’s call him Joe (because it's his real name), the desire for acceptance and attention combined with his below average looks and sub-par intelligence cloud an already bleak childhood. Growing up he doesn't really amount to much, certainly not a child a parent would be proud of, working as a mechanic apprentice but still living at home mummy, dreaming of a job in the RAF (by now though he's probably too old for that particular career and certainly too stupid)
Now Joe, desperate for attention, joins some underground script kiddy sites - lacking general intelligence, he can't 'learn' computers or software programming himself, so pretends to be knowledgeable using software made by others.
Spending more time on the computer and less with his girlfriend (who can blame him? she's certainly no prize pig...except in the porky sense.) Joe eventually becomes a regular in hacker/blackhat and games cheating websites. His peers, who are mostly 14 year old kids, shower him with the attention and praise he was so desperately seeking from his errant father.
The internal VIP forums of said hacksite then offers a reward to anyone who can take down this bothersome SM site (even though we're not really even playing the games that you guys provide hacks for any more) and Joe boastfully steps up to the challenge, using the alias messiahxxx* and the real name Tony Blunt**, after trying various skiddy attacks from his own IP, in frustration, he signs up to the website and asks to join as a member - probably hoping to gain some access from within.
Attacking websites and networks is against the terms and conditions of most ISP's, so reporting such offences (especially to an ISP where I used to work!) is relatively straightforward. The punishment is disconnection - being under a contract though you are still liable to pay off the remainder of your year.
I've no doubt that all the skiddy attacks I've seen we've seen in the past few days will fail, but I just wanted to try and stamp this down before it gets out of hand. Moreso to stamp it down through legitimate channels.
I look forward to your reply when you get back online ;D
* I believe there is a legitimate player using this name, not related to the above
** The name of one of the Cambridge spies.. Oh how clever! Well done!
Sep 7 2009, 11:22 AM
HEHE Awesome..Monkey is like Columbo!
Sep 7 2009, 01:48 PM
LOLING!!!! at least they always seem to provide some entertainment!!!
Sep 9 2009, 02:43 PM
love it monkey! You sure told that mofo! And no XXX u cant join so jog on!
Sep 9 2009, 03:27 PM
I was reconsidering his app, but rob's definitive statement has changed my mind.

Coincidentally my plan was not very well thought through - I was hoping he'd convince the kids at m####t that this site isn't fair game. My plan fails because he's not been online niether here or on that site since, therefore can't warn them. pfft stupid monkey.
Sep 9 2009, 03:32 PM
login on his account and post

then change his sig to "i has small pkr"
and stick goatse as his avatar