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Full Version: Hello! Any (potential) TF2'ers?
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Hello everyone!

I'm a 27 year old male man of indeterminate coolness who enjoys Team Fortress 2 and looks forward to getting L4D for PC at some point.

I'd be very keen on joining Sneaky Monkeys if you'll have me, and would be very interested in maybe playing some TF2 with other members if anyone's keen.
I've recently come to realize that while 6v6 and 8v8 TF2 is great fun, playing on most of the public servers is akin to being molested simultaneously by 15 angry crystal-meth addicted Rick Astley's.

I hope you'll accept my application and I'll see you guys online soon.


In addendum, I know that CableTwitch person and I'm fairly sure he's an enormous lacy-knickered french fancy.

I play a wee bit of TF2 but not many others here do. Would be glad to game with you at some point.

Friend me up Baby!!

I play TF2 but no much recently but will happily get back into it though.

What servers do you play on?
i own tf2 but have never played it... heh

oh, and cable couldnt be more of a girl if he tried (and i think he tries VERY hard)...

im sure your welcome to join, we have a weekly trial period where we get to know you via teamspeak/in-game chat and decide at the end if we want you or not (we rarely say no, that's the reason were stuck with cable :/ )

but tbh not many people are gaming at the moment so itll be hard to catch people and chat to them properly (youll find me in bf2 or l4d most evenings), but if you hassle us im sure we could organise a game or two...

ooh hello.

I've got a copy of tf2 but don't play it too much - usually just a brief frantic distraction from other games - often after consuming copious redbull and I begin to froth at the mouth.

L4D is a damn good game, but it's getting a little stale now so the previous momentum for playing has gone a little - that being said we still play it.

Thank you for also confirming our suuspicions about cabletwitch, flouncing gayly around the game as he does. Anyhoo probably won't see you in tf2 (i probably play about once per month) but if/when you get l4d, make sure you join the =SM= steam group (on the frontpage) so we can find you smile.gif

ooOoooOoooOoooOOoo a new person
will be nice to "meet" you
Hello again everyone!

Sorry, I was abducted by pigeons.

I play all over the place on TF2 - although one I frequent the most is the PC Zone 7 vs 7 CTF 2fort server (, it's instaspawn, but the relatively small team counts keep it from getting tedious.

Unfortunately I'm not likely to be getting L4D for a little while yet (might even wait for L4D 2, to be honest), so the meetup might have to wait. hope that's not a problem!

If anyone does fancy a game of Tf2 some time, I've joined the Steam Sneaky monkey's group so feel free to join in or message me.

You're all fuckers, and I'm going to shoot you all in the face. Twice. biggrin.gif

Atty, C'mon down and play some L4D with us, I might even stretch to gifting you a copy if you do. Cant say fairer than that, eh?
QUOTE(Cabletwitch @ Sep 11 2009, 06:12 AM) *
You're all fuckers, and I'm going to shoot you all in the face. Twice. biggrin.gif

For some this could only be a cosmetic improvement.

Besides am not worried, with your aim even in an hour-long campaign you'd be lucky to hit anything twice tongue.gif
(except his own teammates)
Im going to put Atty on trial unless anyones got any problems.
Y'all got a week to get to know him, chop chop!

although use of the word "Y'all" will get you minus points in my book tongue.gif
Yay! Thank you everyone! You're all very powerful, with buttocks like two cats in a sack fighting over a piece of tuna.

I shall endeavour to get as much L4D in this week as I can, so I get a chance to meet some of you. Oh, and shoot Cabletwitch in the back of the head as much as possible.

His head is like some sort of bloated melon, so you shouldn't have too much problems smile.gif
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