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Full Version: Adding and removing map components...
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Support > Maps & Coding
Some of you may have played the game where a mod accidentally got activated on the server adding a bunch of random stuff (trucks/rocks etc) - instead of the actual intended usage of removing the health/pills. (based on the Counterstrike source stripper mod)

However I've been developing this mod a little further to add some additional objects into large shitty areas to allow infected to have some cover to spawn.

I also intend to place some boxes or something inside various closets - an end to closet camping!

Particularily of note is the death toll house on the water finale - I've added a bunch of rocks, allowing boomers/smokers to be useful again.

What I need now is locations... if you want something somewhere I need to know what and where. You can peg the locations using the fortbuilder script in single player (search the public forums for details) -- Once you have an object type and location I need it in this kind of format:

As in to add a box in a closet:
;Closet Camping Gays
"solid" "6"
"origin" "7328 3700 15"
"angles" "0 4 0"
"model" "models/props/de_nuke/crate_small.mdl"
"classname" "prop_dynamic"

Essentially a solid box, origin is like map coordinates, angle is any rotation and the model texture (in this case a crate from de_nuke)

I'll post a beta of the configs shortly, but if anyone has suggestions/amendments then let me know smile.gif


Uploaded a version to the server.
=R6= Raile
sounds like a good idea..

so i might have missed it but did the meds/pills change you were trying to implement, did it ever work?
no biggrin.gif
QUOTE(=R6= Raile @ Aug 17 2009, 11:48 AM) *
sounds like a good idea..

so i might have missed it but did the meds/pills change you were trying to implement, did it ever work?

yeah, got it working eventually. (we did start a game where I'd cocked stuff up and removed the autoshotgun instead) but sorted it out after that.

Note: just updated this mod to allow access for infected to get on rooftops in deathtoll etc., I hate those damn invisible walls

oh btw, the reason I was looking at L4D mod development again was for the tournament. The Friendly fire situation isn't ideal, so was looking at either turning off FF or a mod I've started working on that should reflect FF tongue.gif (I'm writing this today though, so might take some time)
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Monkey, can you please make a tutorial on how to delete workshop maps for Chivalry
Since I added several maps but found many of them were bad, so I want to delete them and only keep the worked well maps
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