Ban Appeal |
Ban Appeal |
Sep 6 2016, 08:53 PM
Peasant Group: Members Posts: 12 Thank(s): 0 Points: 12 Joined: 7-September 15 Member No.: 4,732 |
gamename: SneakeyMonkeys server.
steam profile: r@steam times: 30 min ago (almost) date: same date of this message. circumstances: I was playing, I went to take catapault. Then, I got BAN!! for this reason: trolling with catapult. Ok, I am really upset about this. I was following the rules, I didn't break it any of it, I respect everyone in this server. But BAN reason was Trolling with catapult?!! I mean, i hope you are joking, i was not troll thats bullshit, i just took catapault when the enemy catapult destroyed the agatha's catabult, i pressed C then F9 as an action to laugh due to accuracy of destroying. i am really sad.. please unban me and i appreciate it... thanks. |
Sep 6 2016, 09:35 PM
Knight Lieutenant Group: Old Git SM Members Posts: 835 Thank(s): 231 Points: 835 Joined: 23-August 13 From: Moon Member No.: 4,348 |
You just took catapult and you have got banned ?
Did you see anyone using it ? like me... While i was using you kicked me out of that cata and my cata shot drop in middle of allies. You didn't just took cata and get ban from nowhere. Also, Yet Another Fool is one of our former admins which he is a good player, he did good job as admin.Show some respect to players. About your ban, did you even read amazing banner that you should NOT tking to cata.In this case doing footkick to cata user while it is using cata, you are kicking him out of cata - which is you are damaging to user and if that user was about to launch stone you interrupt his attack and make that stone fell into prematurely short distance.Which may cause massive amount of team damage or kill. So please tell me, were you really following rules ? -------------------- |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 18th December 2024 - 01:19 PM |