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Sneaky Monkeys Forum _ Bans and Ban Appeals _ Ban appeal CatMeowMeow

Posted by: CatMeowMeow May 26 2021, 11:06 PM

Date: 25/5/2021
Time: 9:00PM GMT-05
Admin who issued the ban : [Unknown]
Additional information: None
Situation: Banned for Intentional Team damage,
I was in a long match where king hide in corner, stab and kicked king multiple times. then banned without warning.
I was telling king to stop hiding while doing so, not trying to kill king.
I will not intentional team damage again, will only express frustration through other means and keep calm. And will follow the rules obediently

Posted by: Queen Munchkin May 27 2021, 12:56 AM

It was me who banned you. You started hitting the King right in front of me and I did tell you something about it, but you ignored me and continued to hit him.

About the "lack of warning"... I kept warning about Rule #2, banned a player before you who did the same thing, so I thought it's obvious you are NOT supposed to hit & kill your teammates, especially the King.

It was a 3 day ban and it expires tomorrow evening.

Don't break the rules next time and be more polite in chat. I gave you a pass before when you were rude to me and kept calling me a male, looking for a reaction. I'm glad you are now more aware of your behaviour and the rules smile.gif

Posted by: CatMeowMeow May 27 2021, 01:14 AM

I don't recall calling names or picking fights with other people or even talking to you.. you must mistook me for someone else
But the ban was deserved and duly noted.

Posted by: Sir Robin (not so brave) May 27 2021, 09:55 AM

I think you got lucky to be banned just 3 days for this. If I see somebody attacking their own king I ban at least for a week. Plus, there is a warning: when you enter the server you see the server message. It contains the basic rules, including 1. no racist language, 2. no intentional team damage and 3. don't be an asshole. These are the warnings you are guaranteed to get. Whether you get a personal warning or direct kick or ban is admin's decision.

Also, why would you wan't the king to "stop hiding"? Unless the map was Cold Front where the king has to escape, their primary objective is to survive. And even on Cold Front, they need to be full health and with enough support before they try to escape. So, why?

Posted by: Queen Munchkin May 27 2021, 12:21 PM

Thank you, Robin! You’re completely right. I should have banned him for a week. The map was the custom MountainPeak. Of course the King is gonna hide, they were coming from all sides to get him while being in a very small/cramped space. It was weird of CatMeow to scream hysterically at the King telling him to move and hitting him.

So yeah CatMeow, consider yourself very lucky. Also it was you being rude, I don’t have a false memory and I certainly didn’t confuse you with someone else. Don’t worry next time I won’t be so forgiving!^^ tongue.gif

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