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Sneaky Monkeys Forum _ Bans and Ban Appeals _ Ban appeal

Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 15 2015, 01:34 PM

In 15.3.2015, I think in 13:50 (Europe time) I got banned once again from SM limited archer server and from the same guy as before - =SM=Magik5, my 1st ban from him was alright, later I realized my mistake, but now I don't know why I got banned. I was silent for whole game, wrote only messages like - smile.gif, gj, well done.....didn't tk and my ping was below 100 ( which is OK I suppose). I remember only that : "=SM=Magik4 has joined" and right after that he logged as administrator and I got kicked and perma banned again probably, he didn't say anything so I really don't know what I did wrong.
Please investigate this if you can.
Yours sincerely,
♠ Solaire of Astora ♠
(sorry for bad english)

Posted by: Magik5 Mar 16 2015, 09:28 AM

You were banned on the 7th of this month for racism, this ban should not have been lifted so I reissued it yesterday.

Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 16 2015, 09:40 AM

Yeah about that, the intention of my sentence back there was' don't be racist. ' ....My whole sentence was: don't call mason order as niggas, or you will be banned....I guess you got it by wrong way. I already explained that to SM Malefic Trou And your boss Monkeyfiend ...So to conclude-Iam not english and I chosen wrong words and made mistake by acident ...sorry

Posted by: MonkeyFiend Mar 16 2015, 10:59 AM

Just as a general note, I don't overrule decisions made by other admins

Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 16 2015, 01:30 PM

I want to ask for a ban appeal from you =SM=Magik5. I know my mistake and I am NOT racist, just bad at english. Intention of my words were "Don't be racist". I trully didn't know that there can be different meanings of my words - "Don't call mason order as niggas, or you will be banned".
If you view my words with racist meanings, then I am very sorry. I am loyal to SM server for years, never broke any of your rules on purpose and I would like to play in it once again. Clearly my intentions weren't wrong.....
If you would lift the ban, I promise you that I won't ever mention words similar to racist meanings, that I will not be invloved into any racist discussions. You don't have to worry about Tking at all from my side.........( I am aware of risks which come with Tking very well)
I am looking forward to your answer.
♠ Solaire of Astora ♠

Posted by: Spath Mar 16 2015, 03:45 PM

Solaire,I suggest you read the rules of the servers and in that case about racism on the servers if you haven't already(I believe you haven't though or else you should know you made a mistake from the very first time):

That being said,Magik was right to ban you in the first place but I know you are a regular to the SM servers and I don't think you have any bad intentions.

Either way it's up to Magik to lift the ban...

Posted by: Magik5 Mar 16 2015, 03:49 PM

The fact that you have repeated the word twice in this thread makes me believe you don't truly understand the implications this word has in the real world. I know you are a regular but this does not make you entitled to special treatment. I'm sorry.

Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 16 2015, 05:03 PM

I guess that I need to look for another server then, which does not make me very happy.......been fun though. I said what I said, clearly with no bad intentions. I even apologized and you still insists on ban, yeah you have absolute right for that. It seems that I can't do more that I did. I am banned forever.
Good bye, have fun with chivalry.

Posted by: Bucket Mar 16 2015, 07:18 PM

Hello, I know as a non-member/admin my opinion probably doesn't matter but I am willing to give it a shot regardless. If my opinion is not valid in what ever reason, please feel free to delete this post or which ever action you feel is necessary.

Right, so is it stupid of Solaire especially after being banned before for the same offence?, yes it is lol. And I don't know what happend the last time, however given the context I don't really think Solaire meant it be as an offensive remark. From my point of view, he said because he tried the warn the consequences for using such language on the server. He probably should have phrased it differently perhaps in this way, ''hey guys, using those terms and similar ones can/will get you banned from the server, and yes I do have experience with that.'' I am just trying to shed a new outside look on this. And yes, I know it is the admins decision and I respect his actions.

The reason why I am typing this is because I was in a similar situation once in a different game some years ago. Back then my English was also bad, often I had a hard time trying to make sense in any context, luckily my English has massively improved of the years. Looking back to the days where my English wasn't on this level was cringeworthy and funny.

I honestly feel don't think Solaire meant to say it like he said in his post. Since the same thing has occurred twice now, I guess it makes it difficult trying to prove that he didn't meant it like he said. So perhaps you can give him a second chance well in this case third?

Again, I am aware of the server rules, respect the admins and their decisions. I don't mean anything offensive to the admin who has taken the necessary action(s).



Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 16 2015, 07:55 PM

Thank you Bucket, yes that was my intention, to warn players from being racist, you are right. Banning me from my beloved server by this way crashed my heart. Everyone now thinks that I am just another racist guy, but thats not true as I explained already. I AM AGAINS IT. I hate people saying racist things. The reason why I wrote that sentence was to warn others, becouse guy called Jordan said racist thing before me, with that ugly word which I replied. But my mistake was also that I known only the rules from server when joining game, didnt read these ones here( now I did ).
So I am asking once again, please ligt the ban, I know that you have already decided, but I really really want to get back.
If not, I will understand, but will be extremelly sad about that I lost my favorite server and great community in it.
I am looking for your answer Magik, and I will accept it.

Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 16 2015, 08:01 PM

Sorry - Against it *dunno if I made any other mistakes in my latest reply.

Posted by: Magik5 Mar 17 2015, 09:40 AM

Couldn't unban you within the game, and you weren't in the configs from what I could see. Try connecting to the server to see if it lets you in.

FYI If you break the rules again, you will be perma-banned and no amount of grovelling will get you unbanned.

Posted by: Solaire of Astora Mar 17 2015, 10:37 AM

Thank you, I promise that you won't regret it. I will try to connect, if there will be some problems, I will call you.

You don't have to worry about breaking rules from my side anymore. But if I do (even accidently) I won't beg for unban anymore.
Thank you again.

Posted by: MonkeyFiend Mar 17 2015, 10:52 AM

have reset the servers and removed all netid bans, so this should be lifted.

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